Absolutely not. All aspects of BayTM Services ATMs basic services are provided absolutely free of charge. There is no charge for setting up, operating or advertising with any ATM machines on any businesses property.
All that is needed from your end is an outlet. We provide the maintenance, repair, internet service, and more for our machines- to allow you to focus on your business.
Any business that has a BayTM Services ATM will not be expected to handle the process of loading any ATM. Each BayTM Services ATM is loaded by a trained professional on a regular basis. This saves you the time and hassle of guaranteeing your machine has available funds.
-ATM Machine
-ATM Cash Loading
-ATM Maintenance & Servicing
-ATM Internet Connection
-ATM Receipt Couponing
-ATM Lighting (if required)
BayTM Services handles all maintenance and repairs to our machines at absolutely no cost to the business or location owner. We use only the most professional service providers when doing so. We keep our machines clean and attractive, because we know how important presentation is to your business, and ours.
The answer to this question is an emphatic NO! We do not require any of our vendors to have a minimum number of transactions in order to have an ATM. This works out perfectly for some of our clients who don’t expect heavy traffic all the time.